Doc Hasting’s response to State of the Union

The following is House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings’ respondse to President Obama’s State of the Union Address:

“During tonight’s State of the Union address, the President once again spoke about job creation and economic growth, but continued to ignore the economic opportunities that exist through energy production on federal lands and the responsible management of our Nation’s natural resources. Tonight’s speech was further indication that during his second term, President Obama will ensure his Administration is more aggressive in its unilateral pursuit of new regulations and policies that will impede economic recovery. By circumventing Congress through administrative fiat, the Obama Administration has the ability to lock up large swaths of public land from multiple use economic activity, slow federal energy production even further, and impose burdensome new layers of red tape that will destroy job creation potential for millions of American’s still looking for work.

“The President may continue to talk about the need for all-of-the-above energy, but we have learned over the last four years that actions speak louder than words. The Obama Administration has closed off millions of acres of public lands and waters to American energy production, offered the fewest offshore lease sales in the history of the program, and caused energy production on federal lands to significantly decline. Meanwhile, the private sector and individual states—not President Obama and the federal government—can take credit for America’s recent increase in oil and natural gas production. It’s simply difficult to take President Obama seriously when he talks about job creation while flatly ignoring one of America’s largest potentials for job creation.”

Restoring Oregon’s Economy

The economic situation in Josephine County, and the entire State of Oregon, is not good. We have no shortage of talent, labor, or resources. We are suffering a malaise caused by overregulation.

We have state agencies ordering and limiting every aspect of the economy, from control of our private property to employer-employee relations. For some thirty years, we have been subject to statewide planning by bureaucrats and this depression is the result. It should be clear at this point that central planning does not work and the time has come to fix the problem.

In Oregon, the most important jobs in government bureaucracy are elected positions. They include the Attorney General, Secretary of State, Treasurer, and Labor Commissioner. These offices can easily be won because of the typical under-vote, if we simply mobilize all our energies in getting conservatives to vote in these important races.

Imagine a bureaucratic leadership dedicated to reining in state bureaucracies, dedicated to freeing the market for free enterprise according to the needs of the market.

This is possible IF we and all our friends, allies, and relatives make it a point to vote:

Oregon Attorney General:  JAMES BUCHAL

Oregon Secretary of State:  KNUTE BUEHLER

Oregon State Treasurer:  THOMAS COX

Oregon Labor Commissioner:  BRUCE STARR


The Job You Save, May Be Your Own