Call Center Volunteers Needed

Voter turnout is unaccountably low in this critical election. County Clerk, Art Harvey, reported earlier this week that only 23% of ballots had been returned. When turnout is low, Democrats win. They have a very effective machine for turning out the vote among unions, and particularly public sector unions. We need to get a strong Republican turnout to counter their built-in advantage.

We need your help! If you can spare a couple of hours on Sunday afternoon or Monday evening, please volunteer to help in our call center. We have data from the County Clerk’s office on which voters have already turned in their ballots, so you’ll only be calling those who have not yet voted.

You can make a huge difference by helping to get out the Republican vote! To volunteer, please call Bill Ertel at 218-6538, or e-mail him at

Volunteers Needed at Campaign HQ

We need volunteers to help staff our campaign headquarters, and also to help call registered Republicans in these last few weeks before the election, and remind them to vote!

To volunteer, please call Shaun Curry at 218-5320, or send him an e-mail.

You can make a huge difference in this year’s election — and have fun while you’re doing it! Please volunteer. We need your help!