Art Robinson to Face DeFazio Again

State GOP Chair Art Robinson has filed to run for Congressional District 4, currently occupied by Peter DeFazio.

Art has faced DeFazio in the last two elections but DeFazio has strong support in the liberal urban areas.

We need to fully support Art this time around and DEFEAT DEFAZIO!

Art Robinson Running for ORP Chair

Allen Alley has announced that he will not run for re-election as chair of the Oregon Republican Party. We appreciate all that Allen has done for our party and wish him well in whatever he decides to pursue next.

Our own Art Robinson, from here in Josephine County, has decided to run for the postion as chair of the ORP. Art ran a good race against U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio in this last election, but was unable to carry the liberal counties that are so firmly devoted to big government. But he won big here in Jospehine County, and we hope and expect that he will win big across the state of Oregon running for chair of our state Republican Party.

Please give your full support to Art Robinson for Oregon Republican Party chair!

Meet Art Robinson, August 2nd

Art Robinson is a conservative Republican running against the 12-term Democrat incumbent, Peter DeFazio, for the 4th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

    “Our country is on the wrong road. The U.S. Congress has wrecked our economy with profligate overspending, crushing taxation, and runaway government regulation. Moreover, it has reached into our personal lives in many unacceptable ways. We can fix these problems! We need not continue to endure this situation.

    As government has taken away our individual freedom, it has also taken away our prosperity, our jobs, homes, savings, and the futures of our children and grandchildren. Yet those in power in Congress, including especially the incumbent 12-term politician who represents District 4, vote for more profligate spending, more taxation, and more regulation.” – Art Robinson

Please join us on August 2nd, where you and Art can discuss practical ways to fix these problems and get our country back on track. Rep. Dennis Richardson will be there to introduce him. We’re meeting at the Guild Building (Boardroom), 1867 Williams Hwy, Grants Pas, on Monday, August 2nd at 6:00 PM.

To learn more about Art, please visit